Thank you to everyone who came or participated in the Edinburgh Canal Festival 2024.
The date for next year is ….
Saturday 21st June 2025, 12-5pm
Residents and visitors are invited to explore the Union Canal between the Lochrin Basin and Harrison Park and to meet some of the great organisations that operate year round on and near to the canal. There will be loads of free activities and entertainment as you travel along the canal in the heart of Edinburgh.
We also have a new style Raft Race that is FREE to enter. All equipment provided, just bring decorations, costumes and enthusiasm!

If you need a reminder of what a fabulous events have been put on in the past, make sure to check out our Facebook Page for photos and all the action.

Edinburgh Canal Festival is being organised by Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust, c/o Scottish Canals Office, 23 Lower Gilmore Place, Edinburgh EH3 9NY
Charity Reg. No: SC035342 Company Reg. No: 265866